I've compiled a list of some of my favorite things, just cause. Or maybe its because I'm slightly agitated and this stuff reverses my mood. Either way... here you go : )
When the dog bites,
When the bee stings,
When I'm feeling sad,
I simply remember my favorite things...
Dahlias. | |
K ... so, I have to admit, when I think of Dahlias, the image of a woman with lipstick from ear to ear comes to mind. EEK! How can something so beautiful be correlated with such a morbid and tragic incident? Be that as it may, after I discovered these gorgeous flowers, I had to drop red roses from my most wanted Valentines Day list.
Black Coffee. |
I think when I Google-d black coffee, I had found a photo where someone photo shopped text in that said, "I drink black coffee to impress you". Que verguenza! lol...I think my love affair with this stereotyped beverage started after I noticed my Mom always had black coffee {with sweet & low from time to time}. As a kid I thought it was gross. Later on when I had to stay awake for work or school, it became my safety net. And now, I can appreciate the taste and differentiate the notes of citrus or hazelnut in a cup of joe. I guess its because I was so stubborn to find out what was so great about it.
Under water seascapes. |
When I was a kid, my Dad built me a clubhouse out of the branches from our massive Eucalyptus trees, scraps of wood, and a giant window glass. Inside I would gaze out of the giant window and pretend my magical clubhouse could travel underwater. {i was a hardcore day dreamer}. Any image of underwater to me is amazing. Its another world completely but with the same principal of big fishes eating little fishes.
Sashimi | | |
Did I mention I like to pretend I'm a big fishie? lol. I
LOVE Sashimi. Besides, it's in my blood! Have you ever heard of Ceviche? It's a Mexican dish where you marinate fish (or shrimp, sometimes soy) in lemon/lime juice over the course of a few hours to a day and add tomatoes, onions, avocado, and chile if you can handle it. Yummy on tostadas. But Sashimi is awesome by itself. The thought of something raw is a little unsettling but there are places that go to extreme measures to ensure the cut of fish is the freshest.
Pyramid Haywire Hefeweizen |
Remember when you thought beer tasted like rancid water? Oh, you didn't? Well I guess it was just in my world where the only beers that existed were Coronas and Budweiser until my sister opened the enchanted door of micro-breweries! To think what would become of my life had I not discovered Pyramid Haywire Hefeweizen! It's an unfiltered wheat beer that has a robust and mellow flavor all at once. One of it's many distillery's is located in Berkeley, CA {around the corner}. On a perfect Saturday afternoon in August, this, a pastrami sandwich, and seat on the patio could be a favorite meal for me.
I have to have Jo-Ann's in my life! Actually, Jo-Ann's and it's competitors Michael's. They may be mainstream, but if I need something I can bet to find it at either/or. Plus they're weekly 40% coupons enable my crafting
addiction er...hobbies : / .
Sophia's Maiz
Sophia's Maiz is a business venture the women in my family have taken on. Sophia is my daughter. Hence the name Sophia. The chef's are the matriarch's of two families my Mom and Aunt. The accountant is my sister and I suppose I am in charge of marketing.
Sophia's Maiz' specializes in home made Tamales, meat/sweet/veggie friendly. Sure it sounds like I'm advertising, but I was pretty much raised on these tamales. Growing up, everyone in the kitchen had their role. Sometimes I would shred chicken and sometimes I would be in charge of the Masa. Every Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthday, family event... there was always a few dozen. So yummy!
Like you don't recognize the logo... |
Target. I love you. If you have walked into Target and had the will power to not buy a pair of $6 leggings or that cute seasonal stationary or anything from their endless selection of dollar Hello Kitty goodies in the front of store- I think they should do a study on why you have reached Nirvana. $50 can flash before my eyes without even noticing but I must say, I've never regretted anything I've purchased from here. Unless I bought the wrong size because sometimes my ego makes me think I'm two sizes smaller than what appears in the mirror. oops.
SL Marina
Chances are you're not familiar with the image depicted above, even if you are local. This is the San Leandro Marina. It's a short distance from my home and I've gravitated to it my entire life. I think more so in my teenage years because the highway one coast line was too far. Every teenager in the east bay has one memory or another from here. I always reminisce to the summer when I walked the entire way to San Mateo every day. I lost a lot of weight that summer. Then when hibernation time rolled around I gained it all back. Eeek! Note to self... start walking again.
Thrift-junkie! Thats my name don't wear it out! Like your Mom never dragged you to la segunda on a bargain hunt! Again, this is something else that has been embedded into my DNA. Sure once I had my own money I spent it on stuff from department stores, but deciding to only spend money at those stores for signature pieces, Sophia's clothes and good shoes has saved me so much money! I'm not saying I only shop at thrift stores, but seriously, you'd be surprised at how many finds you can coordinate or fit the latest trends! btw... have you seen
this blog? I dare you to try constructing something from a funky muumuu!
Tunas {a.k.a. Prickly Fruit} |
My Dad
had has dozens of Nopales in his backyard. I always nag him to remind me when they've sprouted on the nopal. Not only are they good for you, but they're so yummy! step 1. peel skin. step 2. douse in lemon juice. step 3. sprinkle salt and Tapatio hot sauce on top. step 4. remove your white tee because it stains like rasberries but the color is beautiful. Enjoy!